



## 文档

- RTSP [RFC2326]( - RTSP 2.0 [RFC7826]( - SDP [RFC2327]([RFC3266]( → [RFC4566]( → [RFC8866](

  1. SDP 中音视频媒体的描述:[RFC5939](, [RFC6236](, [RFC6871](

- RTP [格式](, [RFC1889]( , [RFC3550]( , [RFC3551]( - RTP 对各种格式的分包:[RTP_payload_formats]( - RTP 对 H264 的分包相关: [RFC6184]( - [协议指南](

## Tips - Transport: 格式 `<transport>/<profile>/<lower-transport>`,未指明TCP或UDP的 RTP/AVP, 默认是 UDP. - 音视频媒体的编码类型以 `m=` 为准, `a=fmtp`, `a=rtpmap` 可参考;

## 关于音频对讲 - [ONVIF 双向对讲]( - `DESCRIBE` 时添加头 `Require:\r\n`, 支持的摄像头会返回带有支持音频格式的 `m`, `rtpmap`指示可支持对讲时传输什么类型的音频。一般 g711a 即 PCMA/8000 的类型值为 `8`, g711u(PCMU/8000) 的类型值为 `0`

## 关于 h264 的分包 - RTP 对 H264 的分包相关: [RFC6184]( - Table 1. Summary of NAL unit types and the corresponding packet types

NAL Unit  Packet    Packet Type Name               Section
  Type      Type
  0        reserved                                     -
  1-23     NAL unit  Single NAL unit packet             5.6
  24       STAP-A    Single-time aggregation packet     5.7.1
  25       STAP-B    Single-time aggregation packet     5.7.1
  26       MTAP16    Multi-time aggregation packet      5.7.2
  27       MTAP24    Multi-time aggregation packet      5.7.2
  28       FU-A      Fragmentation unit                 5.8
  29       FU-B      Fragmentation unit                 5.8
  30-31    reserved                                     -

- 三种分包模式: three cases of packetization modes:

  1. Single NAL unit mode
  2. Non-interleaved mode
  3. Interleaved mode

- 三种分包模式允许的包类型:

Table 3.  Summary of allowed NAL unit types for each packetization
			mode (yes = allowed, no = disallowed, ig = ignore)
  Payload Packet    Single NAL    Non-Interleaved    Interleaved
  Type    Type      Unit Mode           Mode             Mode
  0      reserved      ig               ig               ig
  1-23   NAL unit     yes              yes               no
  24     STAP-A        no              yes               no
  25     STAP-B        no               no              yes
  26     MTAP16        no               no              yes
  27     MTAP24        no               no              yes
  28     FU-A          no              yes              yes
  29     FU-B          no               no              yes
  30-31  reserved      ig               ig               ig

### STAP-A 包 - 24(0x18)格式,某些 rtsp server 推流会把关键帧前的 sps pps 作为一个STAP-A包发送, 比如 mediamtx 的流 - STAP-A 的格式: 头字节 0x18 , 跟两字节长度,然后跟h264 nalu内容,再跟两字节长度,如此循环:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
  |                          RTP Header                           |
  |STAP-A NAL HDR |         NALU 1 Size           | NALU 1 HDR    |
  |                         NALU 1 Data                           |
  :                                                               :
  +               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  |               | NALU 2 Size                   | NALU 2 HDR    |
  |                         NALU 2 Data                           |
  :                                                               :
  |                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  |                               :...OPTIONAL RTP padding        |

</markdow n>

  • public/it/rtsp.1741854094.txt.gz
  • 最后更改: 2025/03/13 16:21
  • oakfire