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public:it:程序语言列表 [2014/08/01 10:58] – oakfire | public:it:程序语言列表 [2021/12/10 08:57] (当前版本) – [GO] oakfire |
| ====== 程序语言列表 ====== |
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计算机语言类别好多,特别是领域型语言,记录下方便查看,随时更新。 | |
==== C++ ==== | ==== C++ ==== |
* [[.:CPlusPlus|C++]] | * [[.:CPlusPlus|C++]] |
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==== ErLang ==== | ==== ErLang ==== |
| * [[erlang]] |
* 官网: [[http://erlang.org]] | * 官网: [[http://erlang.org]] |
* 简介: erlang是一种并发偏函数式的解释性语言. Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. | * 简介: erlang是一种并发偏函数式的解释性语言. Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. |
* 官网:[[https://www.opengl.org/documentation/glsl/|opengl.org]] | * 官网:[[https://www.opengl.org/documentation/glsl/|opengl.org]] |
* 简介:GLSL全称为OpenGL Shading Language 也称作 GLslang,是一个以C语言为基础的高阶着色语言。它是由 OpenGL ARB 所建立,提供开发者对绘图管线更多的直接控制,而无需使用汇编语言或硬件规格语言。语法类似C,变量则带有各种向量、矩阵等图形学计算要用到的。GLSL的编译执行并不独立,需要依赖OpenGL。 | * 简介:GLSL全称为OpenGL Shading Language 也称作 GLslang,是一个以C语言为基础的高阶着色语言。它是由 OpenGL ARB 所建立,提供开发者对绘图管线更多的直接控制,而无需使用汇编语言或硬件规格语言。语法类似C,变量则带有各种向量、矩阵等图形学计算要用到的。GLSL的编译执行并不独立,需要依赖OpenGL。 |
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| ==== GO ==== |
| * [[.:go|go lang]] |
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==== HACK ==== | ==== HACK ==== |
* Introduction: OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles | * Introduction: OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles |
* [[http://tech.esper.com/2014/07/15/why-we-use-ocaml/|Why we use ocaml]] | * [[http://tech.esper.com/2014/07/15/why-we-use-ocaml/|Why we use ocaml]] |
| ==== PHP ==== |
| * [[php|php lang page]] |
| * Official site:[[http://php.net]] |
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==== R ==== | ==== R ==== |
| * [[r|r lang page]] |
* 官网:[[http://www.r-project.org/|r-project.org]] | * 官网:[[http://www.r-project.org/|r-project.org]] |
* 简介:R语言用于统计学的计算与绘图,近期流行于数据挖掘领域。R语言起源于贝尔实验室,属于[[http://www.gnu.org|GNU project]]。 | * 简介:R语言用于统计学的计算与绘图,近期流行于数据挖掘领域。R语言起源于贝尔实验室,属于[[http://www.gnu.org|GNU project]]。 |
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==== RUST ==== | ==== RUST ==== |
| * [[.:rust]] |
* 官网:[[http://www.rust-lang.org/|rust-lang.org]] | * 官网:[[http://www.rust-lang.org/|rust-lang.org]] |
* 介绍:Rust是一个由Mozilla主导开发的实验性跨平台编译型编程语言。它的设计准则为“安全,并发,实用”,支持函数式,并发式,过程式以及面向对象的编程风格。 | * 介绍:Rust是一个由Mozilla主导开发的实验性跨平台编译型编程语言。它的设计准则为“安全,并发,实用”,支持函数式,并发式,过程式以及面向对象的编程风格。 |